Slick & Slate (New Date!)

Hygenic Art Park, 79 Bank Street, New London, CT

Jeff Slate, founder and frontman for beloved indie outfit, The Badge, is currently touring with an all-star band of some of the top musicians in New York City, performing a family-friendly show featuring the music of Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, George Harrison, John Lennon and others, alongside Slate’s original music that was inspired by these legends of classic rock. Earl Slick, who has worked with David Bowie since 1974 and who worked with John Lennon on his final recordings sessions in 1980, and who has appeared on all of Slate’s solo albums, features on lead guitar. Slate’s recent single, “Heartbreak,” featured Slick, along with Duff McKagan and members of Paul Weller’s band, Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets and Wallflowers.
